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If you're looking for lots of details on the "drama" you won't find it here. Pre/Post Tourney This is always the best part of any tournament. Lots of hanging out, laughter and surprisingly high levels of play. Because of the age of ST, most of the players have a firm grasp of several characters, and in the pre and post tourney play, players go to these characters, rather than their "bidness" characters. I saw some great Blankas, T-Hawks, DJs and Hondas, and an assortment of more "traditional" characters, like the shotos, Guile, O. Sagat and Balrog. Somebody even picked Akuma at one point, and lost to like T-Hawk I don't think he'll ever live that down. The Tournament Time to get down to business. People held back in the early, easier rounds; not really going with their big guns. I saw Cole pick Cammy early on (not that there's anything wrong with that!). The newer players stood out a bit, as they didn't know how to get the old versions of characters Several times, the proctors were called on to pick O.Sagat, O.Ken and O.Guile for people. As the tourney wore on, you started to see people's characters come out. I'll list out some of what I can remember: Pete Talley: Bison, O.Sagat, O.Ken Jason Cole: Dhalsim, O.Sagat, Balrog Henry Cen: Balrog, Honda Mike Creque: Cammy, Fei Long, Vega Sam Kim: Dhalsim, Vega Lloyd Thomas: Vega Joel Frank: O.Guile, Bison John Crespo: Honda, DJ The top tier was pretty well represented with O.Sagat making the most apperances. I think I took some people by surprise with Cammy, who I should have stuck with when I played Pete, rather than switching to Vega My friend Chris Li (who had some issues with Chun ) brought his crazy DJ to ECC. I've yet to run across anybody who can link together so many random normals with one character! Pete's Bison is a terror. I had no idea which way to block his crossup forward, and it cost me. I ate crossup foward, duck jab, short, kneepress (or something to that effect) more times than I could count. I strayed away from Cammy in that match, who had been working for me throughout the tourney, and instead played Vega. Such a bad choice The finals were something to watch. The matches swung back and forth several times, and I think ALL of the games went 3 rounds, although Pete always seemed to be able to edge out Cole. I learned a few tricks with the O.Sagat vs Balrog match. I never thought to use standing fierce with Sagat to nail 'Rog from a distance when he tried to get in over the low tigers. Things that stood out: Watching Henry Cen using Rog's floating punch to avoid projectiles. I've seen it used in the past, but never as much or as well as Henry. Taking Cammy to the semifinals of the loser's bracket The number of Blanka players! I haven't seen so many people playing Blanka before. FYI, Blanka vs Blanka is one of the lamest matches I've ever played :P Anyway that's a summary of what I can remember. I'm sorry it's kind of vague and incomplete, but that's what I get for waiting so long to post. If anybody has any specific questions about matches, matchups or what went down, feel free to ask, and I'll do my best to remember. Masaka IP: Logged bahn Guest Posts: N/A Registered: Not Yet Location: Posted: 05:31:2001 09:32 PM HAHAH! That's funny mike...'issues with Chun'. I thought that was an interesting match and it wasn't the first time I've had my style of Chun called "Guile-Chun" before. ^_^ IP: Logged crossover Old Skool B5 Platinum Benefactor Posts: 157 Registered: May 2001 Location: VA Posted: 05:31:2001 09:58 PM bahn - I almost threw you AND the machine after that match be lucky I didn't pick honda! rematchreamatchrematch I thought it was pretty funny, both proctors playing each other IP: Logged Crayfish " ¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`° " Posts: 554 Registered: Feb 2001 Location: England. Posted: 05:31:2001 10:34 PM Great to hear that were lots of new players competing, were these younger players coming from the vs games? (Hopefully many younger vs generation players will move onto ST when they look for a new challenge). What characters did Cammy have sucsess against, specific tactics? I'm always interested to hear about "low tier" characters doing well, did you see any new players using any interesting/unconventional tactics successfully? Thanks Crayfish. IP: Logged bahn Guest Posts: N/A Registered: Not Yet Location: Posted: 06:01:2001 05:57 AM quote: Originally posted by crossover bahn - I almost threw you AND the machine after that match be lucky I didn't pick honda! rematchreamatchrematch I thought it was pretty funny, both proctors playing each other LOL! Yeah man...I recall your match against Phil and you kept telling him "I got all day...I got all day". VERY serious character! It was good meeting you and being able to play challenging comp in ST. IP: Logged Masaka Nursing Home ST Champ Posts: 333 Registered: Aug 2000 Location: Blacksburg, VA USA Posted: 06:01:2001 06:50 AM quote: Originally posted by Crayfish Great to hear that were lots of new players competing, were these younger players coming from the vs games? (Hopefully many younger vs generation players will move onto ST when they look for a new challenge). I'm assuming that's where a lot of the new players were coming from. There were a lot of people competing whom I remember playing Alpha 3 and Mvc2. It's kind of funny. Listening to the conversation around the ST machines, I would hear things like: "Are you playing in this?" "Are you kidding? The people who've been playing this know the damn game inside and out. What chance do new players have?" It's kinda disappointing to hear stuff like that. It makes me wonder how many people didn't play just because they were intimidated by the people who've been playing for awhile. quote: What characters did Cammy have sucsess against, specific tactics? I did pretty well with Cammy vs characters like Honda, DJ, Vega and the Shotos. Most of my game was centered around wake up tactics, her cross up short and mixing up the hooligan combos. It's the best it's ever been in ST, so I always make sure to abuse it I used lots of pokes with standing/duck forward and duck roundhouse. Once people have been grabbed by the hooligan a couple of times, they get really wary whenever you start getting in range and poking with low forward, and that just leads to more mind games. quote: I'm always interested to hear about "low tier" characters doing well, did you see any new players using any interesting/unconventional tactics successfully? Thanks Crayfish. Other than Bahn's guile like Chun (ehehehe) not really. A few people tried some serious turtling tactics with Vega, but that didn't work too well against Cammy. Chris Li's DJ is something else and David "whiff-dive->720" Wright's t-hawk is always entertaining to play, but I play with them all the time, so I'm entitled (obligated? ) to say that. Most of the newer players stuck with tried and true characters, such as O. Sagat, O. Ken, Guile and Balrog. I saw like one Zangief player only Masaka IP: Logged BloodRiotIori SNK frontman Posts: 2909 Registered: Sep 2000 Location: orochi flames of hell Posted: 06:01:2001 01:28 PM i don't really play sagat in ssf2t, so can someone tell me why o.sagat is better than normal sagat? IP: Logged hyt travelling Posts: 1487 Registered: Oct 2000 Location: Toronto, Ontario Posted: 06:01:2001 01:33 PM quote: Originally posted by BloodRiotIori i don't really play sagat in ssf2t, so can someone tell me why o.sagat is better than normal sagat? Faster walk, faster Tiger Shot, faster Tiger Shot recovery. See the US vs Japan video match to see an excellent O.Sagat in action (not to mention an even better Guile). IP: Logged crossover Old Skool B5 Platinum Benefactor Posts: 157 Registered: May 2001 Location: VA Posted: 06:01:2001 07:44 PM bahn - me too man, was good hanging out...I don't need no stinking megaphone! I'm going to have dave play chun like you so I'm ready...3 of us basically decided none of us play her IP: Logged bahn Guest Posts: N/A Registered: Not Yet Location: Posted: 06:02:2001 10:52 AM Heh, Dave is going to simulate my play style? Cool...see you soon. IP: Logged All times are GMT. The time now is 11:27 PM. Rate This Thread: Select a rating... 5 .. Best 4 3 .. Average 2 1 .. Worst Forum Rules: You may post new threads You may post replies You may post attachments You may edit your posts HTML code is OFF vB code is ON Smilies are ON [IMG] code is OFF Admin Options: Open / Close Move / Copy Delete Edit Merge Split Stick / Unstick > Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright ©2000, 2001, Jelsoft Enterprises Limited.